Sunday, March 15, 2009

Roaming Around

We went to Jerusalem to our mother-in-law's for the weekend. We stopped over at my friend G's on the way. G called yesterday announcing her return from her three months trip to New York, Brazil and South America. She and her husband don't work, travel often and enjoy their lives. I don't need to spell out that I'm quite envious of their lifestyle, yet somehow, I also find it difficult to let go of my need to get somewhere with the career of mine.
G and T have a little boy just three months older than Liam. G being Korean and T being an Ashkenazie Jew, Liam and their baby share many similarities. It gave me happiness to see the two little boys smile at each other the moment they met.
Weekend here being Friday and Saturday, and not including Sunday, we drove back last night. I have to admit, I'm a little bit dreading the next three weeks when I'll have to work nearly everyday. This week I'll be working all seven days.

1 comment:

Mama Nabi said...

I've noticed that LN would immediately gravitate toward my female friends who are Asian - but took longer time with non-Asian friends. It's interesting since she's not doing it consciously.

I know what you mean about being envious of the traveling lifestyle... but then, since I am not pursuing a specific career, I think I'm also envious of you! :-)