Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things I Love About Being a Mom (to Liam)

A while while back, MKM from Expatriate Games tagged me to write about this topic. At once it got me thinking about all the things and more about what I like and love about being a mom, and particularly being Um-ma (Mom in Korean) to Liam. I add "to Liam" because those two things are different and I only know the latter.

It was also a difficult topic because although I love being a mom, it's not something that's on my concious mind all the time when I care for him. Usually I only remember how happy I am and how lovely my baby is when I'm on the train to go to work or when I have a moment to breathe at work. To be frank, at times, I just want to go off and live as freely as I did pre-baby. Or more freely so at that, now that I know to appreciate not having a responsibility . Of course I will never do that. The state of being Liam's Mom is actually more inate and urgent than most other insticts that occur to me.

One benefit I enjoy from being a mom is that I became a much calmer person. I don't know what it is exactly. Maybe it's hormonal, maybe it's mothering instinct. I used to be a bit of a neurotic, but since Liam was born, I am much less so. I feel confident and sure around my baby. Not that I'm certain all the time about my parenting skill, but I know that I'm trying my best to protect him from all ill, and that I am a fair mother. I don't project myself to him and I am mindful to respect him as an individul. I love that having Liam made me grow up.

The following things about Liam makes me love him and that love oddly but specifically translates to what I love about being a mom:
1. He makes me laugh with his brand of humor.
2. He's soft and cuddly.
3. He's hair is so unbelivably soft and it smells amazing.
4. He yells "Um. Ma!" when he sees me.
5. His feet look exactly like mine.
6. He looks like me and miraculousely also like my husband.
7. He is a result of my husband and my history together.
8. He loves to eat everything. Like me!
9. He is a trilingual baby. He understands Korean, English and Hebrew.

More things I love about being a mom are:
I love that I'm helping build my ideal world by having a multicultural, multiracial and multilingual baby.

Beside the very utopiac idea, I simply love that my baby is beautiful. There. I said it. Yes, I am vain, but I can't help but admire my lovely's beautifulness. I really think Liam is an improved version of me and David. With that, I end this post. It's 11 30 at night and I've been up since 4 30 this morning. I'm telling you- being beautiful really helps when you're bugging someone to wake up and play at the break of dawn.

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