Wednesday, April 23, 2008


This week Jews are celebrating one of the most festive holidays of Passover. It lasts a whole week, with its first and last days being more holy and the days in between being less so.

This year, David's mother Joan and her husband Pesach are visiting Haifa for the holiday, so we see them every evening for dinner in their hotel. It's been nice to catch up with Joan. It seems like Joan is putting up with a lot with Pesach these days. He's eighty six and his mental strength has been going down.

Yesterday was really fun. David and I met up with a professor visiting at David's university. His name is Andrew, and he is a very interesting guy. Then in the afternoon we took Ocean to the beach, which we all loved.

Today Miriam and her family came to stay with us until Friday. I'm really loving this week.

1 comment:

Green said...

Passover is my favorite of all the jewish holidays.