Thursday, May 1, 2008


Yesterday, David and I drove down to Jerusalem to pick up some baby stuff from our friends Shmulik and Tanapa. Their baby Shir is two years old now, and they had lots of things they wanted to hand down to us for our little baby-to-come.

The things we received include: a baby crib for 0 to 5 months old babies; a play pan crib (which I love. I think it will be extra useful for us since we have a dog. With this apparatus I can do things around the house without worrying about our dog attacking the baby.); loads and loads of clothes; push cart for the baby to hold on to while practicing walking.

Tanapa also gave me some lessons on what to do with the baby. For example, she told me that I need to have our baby play on his stomach when he's awake in order to practice his neck muscles.

I was told "Wow, you're fat now!" when I walked into their apartment. I guess I am much bigger, but at this stage I feel OK about the way I look. I'm going to post a few pictures of my belly when I figure out the camera Mom sent me.

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