Thursday, February 19, 2009

Working Girl Blues

I began working on the current production at the opera. Work has been fun, but I'm away from home for so many hours a day now. I hate the hours wasted on the road to travel to Tel Aviv and back. From Haifa, it takes about two hours each trip door to door. That's four hours a day just for the trip. If we were to live in Israel in the future, we would move to Tel Aviv but we decided to try out Korea. We're moving to Korea at the end of this summer.
I was in three different cities today. After the bat-mitzva party last night, we stayed over at my mother-in-law's in Jerusalem and then I went to Tel Aviv from there, then I came home to Haifa. I'm absolutely exhausted. And upset that I barely spent any time with Liam. At one point during the day, I almost felt like giving it all up and be a stay at home mom.


Anonymous said...

woah 4 hours a day, that'd make me question it too. I'm glad it's fun & I hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the show. Too bad you're not in Korea until end of summer, coz we are there in June. Oh well!

Melissa said...

I'm so excited!!!!!! I mean - I sympathize with the commute and working and missing your baby - but I'm so excited about Korea!!


Mama Nabi said...

WOW! That is a long commute. I'd also want to give it up to be a stay at home mom... (okay, I want to do that anyway...:-D)

I'm so jealous about your relocation to Korea!

Anonymous said...

Gosh that's an awful commute.

After reading that you're on your way here in the summer I was thinking that the blogging ladies should all meet up. It would be nice to connect with one another.


Wandering Ju said...

Joanne, that's a great idea. I already met Melissa from Expatriate Games when I visited Korea last September. I was looking forward to reconnecting with her when we move.
How are you doing? I hope you can relax a bit now that you're back at your own situation. You've gone though a lot in the past two months is an understatement. Take care. xx

Anonymous said...


Are you still blue? Where have you gone? ^^

Things are going well here. I can't get over how busy I am, in good way.

I hope things are easing up for you and that your commute is becoming at the very least bearable.