Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Opera Gig

I have been on standby for a gig at the Israeli Opera since the beginning of January, and yesterday I went for the first time to view and study their open rehearsal. It was my first work for a theatre type job, and my gosh, I LOVED it so much to be part of the scene. The current production is Mefistofele, and the costume is absolutely stunning. I was in a male chorus dressing room with about ten singers. What great fun it was to be surrounded by witty, dramatic, cultured men with great voice! They accepted me with open arms which I thought was really neat.
The whole backstage was filled with creative and artistic talents. I can so live on that kind of energy! I am looking forward to March when I'll be on call as a regular staff with La Boheme.


Mama Nabi said...

OMG. I'm so... jealous. :-) Did they sing scales around you and stuff? I love the theatre in general. Stage performances have such a way of lifting you into a wonderful world. (Were you allowed to take pictures? :-D)

Wandering Ju said...

There was this one beautiful singer with long dark eyelashes and deep voice practicing his music. And go figure, he's gay. Not that it matters that I'm married anyway, ha ha ha. Since it was the first day of performance of a new production, everyone was taking pictures of each other dressed up in their do for Facebook. I didn't take pictures though. I didn't want to look like a dork on my very first day. But I was dying to!