Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Promises, Promises

I was reading Amanda's Blog on New Year's resolution, and I've realized people actually resolve their resolutions! I've never really resolved any new year's resolutions so I don't make them anymore.

Well, except one year, in my early days in Hong Kong, I was so lonely and didn't know anyone that I told myself I will make lots and lots of friends and get to know many many people. That I did. Eventually I indeed knew many people in Hong Kong. Even that resolution though, isn't without regrets. After seven years in the place, I only have a few real friends left from the hundreds that I used to know and drink with. I wish that I had chosen friends more carefully and cultivated deeper friendships.

Anyhow, about making resolutions. I've decided to make one again this year for a change. I hardly did anything for this New Year's. David and I rented a DVD (Mama Mia) and split a beer after we put Liam to bed. That was big: we haven't done anything like that in.... since Liam came along.

My New Year's Resolutions:

1. To lose 10 kgs. That's right people, that's 22lbs. I have a small frame and at 5'4'' and 58kg is too heavy. I haven't lost all my pregnancy weight since I gave birth 6 1/2 months ago. It's time to reshape!

2. To achieve #1, I need to exercise. So: Exercise.

3. Be more aggressive about marketing myself. Honestly, I have been to lame to advertise myself to potential work sources. I need to put myself out there and receive more work.

4. Try to love life more. Stop enjoying the feeling of melancholy.

5. Go and visit Yoonju. He's my brother who lives in San Francisco. I haven't seen him in more than a year. It's very sad that we're becoming so distant. We used to be so close when we were growing up.

That's it. Next year this time, I, too would like to be able to say "I have resolved (some part of) my New Year's resolutions."

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Trade and economic issues said...
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