Saturday, January 17, 2009

Shabat Lunch

In an attempt to put myself out there again, to get out of the funk so to speak, I organized a lunch for nine people today. Two of them- a couple- couldn't make it because their baby got sick. I made chili con carne, Israeli cous cous, roast beef, cucumber salad with grated carrots, sauteed mushrooms, and stir fried vegetables. David made a fabulous fruit salad with all the seasonal fruits as desert. We served red wine from Sion valley in Northern Israel. Harvey, a newcomer to Haifa and an Englishman, made a very English toast to me for providing a meal. Ari, our American neighbor was in high spirits after a drink of Laphroaig. Fun time was had by all, and I am back!


amyB said...

So, I'm officially drooling over the thoughts of Israeli cous cous and the sauteed mushrooms!!

AND oh my gosh, YES, I would love if you could do my eyebrows. I get them threaded here, and they still aren't "right". I've only had them done one time in my life, where I was completely satisfied. :( But if I ever come to Israel, I'm looking you up! (Which is a much higher probability now that I'm here!) :) Thanks!

Melissa said...

Sounds fantastic! Mmmmmm, wine ....

Jules said...

The lunch sounds delightful - I got hungry just reading about it. :) Thanks for your comment on my gratitude list for my husband. I'm honored to know it inspired you! Hope you are have a wonderful day!

Mama Nabi said...

For some reason this lunch reminds me of outdoor lunches we'd have in Bangladesh... mmm cous cous.